What To Do if Your Furnace Breaks in Winter
Jan 08, 2024

Dealing with a broken furnace during winter can be quite challenging, but here are some steps you can take to stay safe and warm while resolving the issue.

1. Check Thermostat and Power: Ensure that the thermostat is set to heat and check if the furnace power switch is on. Sometimes, settings or power issues can cause malfunctions that appear as breakdowns.

2. Inspect Filters and Vents: Dirty filters or blocked vents can hinder the furnace's performance. Replace filters if dirty, and clear any obstructions from vents to allow proper airflow.

3. Safety First: If you smell gas or suspect a gas leak, immediately evacuate the premises and call emergency services. Safety is paramount in such situations.

4. Troubleshoot Basic Issues: Try resetting the furnace by turning it off at the breaker for a few minutes before turning it back on. This might resolve minor issues.

5. Check Fuel Supply: For fuel-based furnaces, ensure the fuel supply (gas, oil, etc.) isn’t interrupted. Verify gas valves are open and functional.

6. Contact HVAC Professionals: If you're unable to identify or resolve the issue, it's crucial to contact licensed HVAC technicians promptly. They have the expertise to diagnose and repair furnace problems safely.

7. Alternative Heating Sources: While waiting for repairs, consider alternative heating sources like electric space heaters (safely used and monitored) or fireplace (if available and safe).

8. Preventive Maintenance: Schedule regular maintenance for your furnace to prevent breakdowns. Annual servicing can identify and fix issues before they escalate.

9. Winterize Your Home: Use insulation, seal drafts, and focus on heating specific rooms to retain warmth and reduce the strain on alternative heating sources.

10. Contact Your Utility Provider: Inquire about emergency services or financial assistance that your utility provider might offer during heating emergencies.

11. Prepare for Repair Technicians: Provide detailed information about the issue when scheduling a technician. Clear access to the furnace area to facilitate repairs.

12. Consider Temporary Accommodations: If the situation becomes too uncomfortable or unsafe due to extreme cold, consider staying elsewhere temporarily.

13. Monitor Pipes: Prevent pipe freezing by keeping an eye on pipes exposed to extreme cold. Let faucets drip to prevent freezing in extremely cold conditions.

14. Emergency Preparedness Kit: Keep essentials like warm clothing, blankets, non-perishable food, flashlights, batteries, and a first-aid kit handy for emergencies.

15. Communicate Openly: Be clear and communicative with the HVAC professionals about any concerns or observations you might have regarding your furnace.

Remember, ensuring your safety and that you stay warm during cold winter months is our priority at Air Solutions. We encourage homeowners to reach out to a professional if they're unsure or uncomfortable dealing with the situation themselves. Regular maintenance and preparedness can mitigate the risk of furnace breakdowns during the winter.

02 Nov, 2023
As the winter season approaches, it's crucial to be aware of the potential challenges that your HVAC system may face. Cold weather places extra demands on your heating system, which can lead to a variety of common issues that can disrupt your home's comfort and efficiency. Understanding these problems and how to prevent or address them is essential for maintaining a warm and cozy home during the winter months while also ensuring the longevity and effectiveness of your HVAC system. With proper knowledge we can help homeowners understand potential winter HVAC problems and offer solutions to avoid or solve them. Due to the increased workload of your heating system during harsh winters, HVAC problems can arise and often come with a pricey cost. Understanding preventative maintenance and identifying common issues ensures your HVAC remains functioning properly and efficiently. Preventative measures such as changing air filters regularly guarantees proper airflow and overall systems efficiency. In addition to clean filters, adjusting the thermostat to the appropriate temperature reduces the chance of evaporator coils to freeze; reducing the chance of damage, decreased airflow and less efficiency. Setting the thermostat to an acceptable temperature for colder weather, and maintaining a consistent temperature throughout your home also ensures proper heat distribution. If your HVAC system frequently turns on and off, this creates a waste of energy and causes wear and tear. If maintaining a consistent temperature and regular air filter maintenance doesn’t help with this issue, it may be due to an oversized or undersized system, and an HVAC specialist should be contacted. Scheduling annual maintenance with a qualified HVAC technician for proper inspection greatly reduces the risk of unwanted damages and costly repairs. Malfunctioning thermostats, poor insulations and carbon monoxide leaks are additional signs that your HVAC systems may be due for maintenance. If you're unsure how to address these problems, it's best to consult with a professional HVAC technician to ensure the safety and efficiency of your heating system during the colder months!
By Vaness Yates 15 Sep, 2023
As the leaves change color and the temperature begins to drop, it's a clear sign that winter is just around the corner. While you prepare your home for the colder months by sealing windows, insulating doors, and storing away summer gear, it's essential not to forget about your HVAC unit. Winterizing your AC not only prevents damage and keeps you comfortable during the cold season but also helps maintain its quality and longevity. In this simple guide, we will walk you through the steps to winterize your HVAC unit correctly. Clean your HVAC unit. Remove any debris, leaves, twigs, grass, etc, that is caught in the unit. Wash the HVAC unit with a water hose to get rid of dust and other impurities. This improves air flow and prevents damage to the HVAC unit. 2. Find the electrical circuit. Open the lid to your electrical circuit and switch to cut the power supply. This keeps the unit from turning on during winter and ensures water doesn't get in. 3. Insulate exposed Pipes. Cover exposed pipes in unheated areas with insulation to prevent pipes from freezing. Proper insulation keeps cold air out of your home during wintertime. 4. Cover your HVAC Unit. Putting a cover over your HVAC unit that is designed for its size can help protect the HVAC unit from snow, ice, and freezing temperatures. 5. Continue to clean your HVAC unit during winter months. Remove any debris, snow, or ice stuck on the unit. Inspect and adjust your HVAC cover if needed to make sure it is securely protecting the unit. We want to help make sure your AC is ready for winter! Remember to schedule maintenance appointments with Air Solutions in Chattanooga, TN so we can make sure your HVAC unit is functioning properly. For more helpful blog posts, please continue to visit our blog page and like us on Facebook. Please call 423-560-6467 to contact us with any questions or concerns.
08 Aug, 2023
As the scorching summer heat sets in, homeowners in Chattanooga, TN, know the importance of keeping their energy bills in check while staying comfortable. Air Solutions, a leading HVAC company in the area, understands the significance of providing valuable tips to lower energy bills this summer. First and foremost, regular AC maintenance and repair play a crucial role in maximizing energy efficiency. By scheduling timely AC repair and HVAC maintenance services with Air Solutions, residents can ensure their cooling systems are running optimally, preventing unnecessary energy wastage and costly breakdowns. For those seeking long-term energy savings, investing in professional AC installation services from Air Solutions can make a significant difference. Modern air conditioning units are designed to be more energy-efficient than older models, resulting in lower energy consumption and reduced utility bills. The skilled technicians at Air Solutions have extensive experience in AC installation, ensuring that customers receive top-tier service and a perfectly sized unit to suit their specific cooling needs. This translates to enhanced energy efficiency, fewer repairs, and ultimately, a more budget-friendly summer season. In addition to regular AC maintenance and efficient AC installation, simple energy-saving habits can further contribute to lowering energy bills. Air Solutions advises homeowners to set their thermostats to a slightly higher temperature while they are away to minimize cooling costs. Utilizing ceiling fans in conjunction with the air conditioner can also help circulate cool air more effectively, allowing residents to set their AC units at a higher temperature without sacrificing comfort.  By combining these practical tips with the expertise of Air Solutions, the leading HVAC company in Chattanooga, TN, homeowners can enjoy a more cost-effective and energy-efficient summer season, all while maintaining a comfortably cool indoor environment.
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